The festival takes place June 14 & June 15, 10am to 7pm at Paseo Colorado, located at 280 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena CA 91101
If you are looking for something to do this Father's Day weekend, may I suggest you come visit me at the Pasadena Chalk Festival? =) I will be recreating the painting you see above "Panda and Pandora's Box" in chalk pastels on a 5ft x 5ft sidewalk surface! There will be over 600 artists creating realistic portraits, animal paintings, copies of masterpieces, those amazing 3D perspective pictures... SERIOUSLY, ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF!
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One of the things I have been working on with my career coach is finding ways to stay motivated. When I get excited about something (my sewing classes, ballet or fabric design class), it's easy for me to have laser focus and just keep pushing. My usual motto is: "If I don't care about my art, then who is going to care? If I just stopped painting, the world would go on and no one would care."
Ever since I have committed myself to "Panda and Me" paintings in 2014, I have been so excited to come home from my day job. Everyday I itch to paint Panda and all the stories that are flowing in from my head.
My coach encourages me to isolate the factors that keep me excited. So far these things have helped:
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A family friend asked my husband Tom : "Catriona wants to be an anime artist. How does one go about doing that?"
Tom's answer was pretty insightful. Hopefully it wasn't too overwhelming for Catriona, a girl in middle school aspiring to be an anime artist.... Here it is:
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Last week I recorded a SKYPE interview with an art teacher on the East Coast talking about my path to becoming a working artist. She shares these recordings with students who are interested in art but don't know where to start. I have always enjoyed doing art, but didn't know enough about it to even form the questions to ask. Hence, it's so important for working professionals to reach out and help out the next generation. There is so much more I want to add to this.. maybe this can be a future ebook.
Here are 12 tips if you are interested in an art and design career.
This is just for your mind to chew on.... you don't have to do all of these tips at once =)
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